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Everything You Need to Know About Website URLs

A question mark over a website url in a search bar

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URLs are just meaningless, random words at the top of your web browser, right? WRONG! Say goodbye to the days of overlooking URLs. Website URLs are actually a helpful tool that can boost your roofing website’s visibility. 

Most people find websites through search engines like Google. As a website owner, you want to show up high in those search results. But there’s nothing you can do about how Google ranks you, right? WRONG! 

OK, we promise to stop yelling “WRONG” and make you feel like you’re failing a quiz you didn’t study for. But in this case, it’s a good thing you’re wrong! 

Several strategies can boost your website’s ranking in search engine results. The practice of optimizing your website for search engines is called SEO, which stands for search engine optimization.

One of those SEO methods is website URL optimization.

This blog post will be a helpful resource that teaches you about website URLs and their impact on SEO, right? RIGHT! (Hey, you got that one right! Nice job.) Let’s dive into website URLs. 

What Is a Website URL? 

URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator. A website URL is made up of different components that tell browsers where to direct users. Another term for URL is a web address. That’s because URLs are basically online addresses for your website. 

How will browsers or search engines know where to direct people without the correct address? URLs ensure that users can access your website. 

Here are a few examples of website URLs:

  • https://roofermarketers.com/
  • https://roofermarketers.com/roofing-seo/
  • https://roofermarketers.com/blog/

Without even clicking on the above URL links, you can use the URL as a pretty good hint to the content on each page. 

If you guessed that the first URL takes you to the Roofing Marketer’s homepage, you’d be correct. You probably also know that the second link takes you to a page dedicated to roofing SEO; the third link takes you to the Roofer Marketer’s blog. 

How did you know all that without clicking the links? The words in the URL give you a clue as to what each page is about. URLs typically describe the page’s content and give users a preview of what they’ll find there.

How Website URLs Impact SEO 

Now that you understand what a website URL is, you’re probably wondering what it has to do with SEO. The connection to SEO becomes clear when you think of URLs as website addresses. 

Search engines exist to help people find the content they’re looking for. If search engines can’t find the correct address for your website or it looks spammy, they will likely ding you in search results. 

But don’t worry; it’s easier for search engines to index your site on Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs) when you have a properly structured URL. Poorly structured URLs can hurt your SEO and decrease traffic to your website. 

Website URL Best Practices 

Use Hyphens

Using hyphens to separate words in URLs can help search engines identify your content more easily. 

Non-hyphenated URL example: 


Hyphenated URL example: 


Include Relevant Keywords 

As you build your URLs, it’s a good idea to include keywords relevant to the content. 

However, don’t keyword stuff URLs. Keyword stuffing refers to unnaturally forcing as many keywords as possible to trick search engines into ranking your content higher. It almost always backfires, and it’s not worth it. 

Plus, keyword stuffing also raises a red flag to users. You never want your URLs to look spammy. Phishing and spam attacks are a real threat in today’s digital landscape. The last thing you want is for users to mistake your roofing website for spam.  

For example, if you’re creating a URL for a webpage all about the roofing materials you offer, it doesn’t make sense for the URL to be “www.yourcompany.com/randomkeyword-best-roofing-company-randomkeyword-hire-roofing-best-prices-roofingdeals-roofing-shingles.” 

Instead, it should be something like “www.yourcompany.com/roofing-materials-relevantkeyword.”

Boost Your SEO Efforts  

What good is having a roofing website if no one visits it? A website with no visitors is a waste of your time and resources. 

A well-managed roofing website can cause a positive snowball effect: The more people who see your website, the more likely you are to get qualified leads and eventually close more deals. 

The Roofer Marketers team is here to help you with your roofing website and SEO needs.

Our team helps roofers build the perfect roofing website for their business. We can help roofers with: 

Schedule a call to get started with Roofer Marketers today! 

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